The After-School Music Program operates on a traditional School Year and Summer calendar which serves kindergarten through 12-grade students. Our after-school programs are located in underserved neighborhoods. our programs promotes Inclusive Music Education, offering the same opportunities for children with and without disabilities, emphasizing participation, understanding and accommodating differences.

Musicall at Miami Jackson Senior High School

Musicall After School Program 10200 SW 107 Ave

Also, we use facilities and areas that are accessible and easy to use by all children. Musicall’s curriculum focuses not only on music education. Students receive academic support and activities such as Homework Assistance, Literacy (helping students work independently or collaboratively); Social Emotional Learning (necessary training for life skills); Physical Activity (students will learn fitness concepts through fun, and motivating activities), Nutrition Education (fundamental nutrition and health concepts), Academic Support for Middle Schoolers and S.A.T and A.C.T. preparation for High Schoolers, and a particular class for the whole family called Family and Rhythm, designed for parents, caregivers and the children to take together, creating an unforgettable bond between parent/caregiver and child.

Participants receive music lessons on instruments such as Violin, Viola, Double Bass, and Cello with the purpose of creating Ensembles and Orchestras. They also receive training on Piano, Music Theory and Percussion. Students participate in concerts as well as special events prepared in collaboration with Organizations such as Thomas Armour Youth Ballet and Orchestra Miami. As a result of being directly exposed to music education, participant childrens strengthen their social awareness, self-esteem and improve their Academic outcomes.

Musicall After-School and Summer Programs brings genuinely beneficial music, academic, social programming to participating youth. The program serves a minority community that is predominantly Hispanic and African American. Students, for the most part, are low income. The Program operates on a traditional School Year and Summer calendar which serves kindergarten through 12-grade students. Our after-school programs are located in underserved neighborhoods.

Programs promotes Inclusive Education, Musicall offers the same opportunities for children with and without disabilities, emphasizing participation, understanding and accommodating differences. Also, we use facilities and areas that are accessible and easy to use by all children. Musicall’s curriculum focuses not only on music instruction.

Students receive academic support and activities such as Homework Assistance, Literacy (helping students work independently or collaboratively); Social Emotional Learning (necessary training for life skills); Physical Activity (students will learn fitness concepts through fun, and motivating activities), Nutrition Education (fundamental nutrition and health concepts), Academic Support for Middle Schoolers and S.A.T and A.C.T. preparation for High Schoolers, and a particular class for the whole family called Family and Rhythm, designed for parents, caregivers and the children to take together, creating an unforgettable bond between parent/caregiver and child.

Participants receive instruction on musical instruments such as Violin, Viola, Double Bass, and Cello with the purpose of creating Ensembles and Orchestras. They also have training on Piano, Music Theory and Percussion. Students participate in concerts as well as special events prepared in collaboration with Organizations such as Thomas Armour Youth Ballet and Orchestra Miami. As a result of being directly exposed to music instruction, participants strengthen their social awareness, self-esteem and improve their Academic outcomes.